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驴子与青蛙(Donkeys and frogs)



The donkey walked across the pond with the wood, slipped his foot, fell into the water, and cried. The frog in the pond heard his cry and said, “Hey, my friend, it’s so sad if you fall down; ”

The moral: Some people have not suffered a greater hardship, a small setback is unbearable.

驴与骡子(Donkeys and mules)



One day, the donkey man was on his way with the donkey and the mule. The donkeys were so angry that they had as much as the two of them, and the mules thought they should eat double the feed. As soon as they left, the donkey man saw that the donkey was a little unable to walk, and took some of the goods off his back and added them to the back of the mule. They went for a while, and the donkey man saw that the donkey was more tired, took some of the goods, and finally added all the goods of the donkey’s mule to the back of the mule. At this time, the mule turned back to the donkey and said, “Hey, friend, are you still angry that I eat double feed?”

The moral: don’t compare with others, each person has their own thing to do, deserve the reward.



